Recent publications 2020

During Corona times, we have published several papers:

Martin Zahradník, Klára Uhlířová, Thomas Maroutian, Georg Kurij, Guillaume Agnus, Martin Veis, Philippe Lecoeur: Magnetic domain wall motion in SrRuO3 thin films. In: Materials & Design, vol. 187, pp. 108390, 2020, ISSN: 02641275.

Zahradnik et al., Materials & Design 187 (2020), pp. 108390.

Ondřej Stejskal, André Thiaville, Jaroslav Hamrle, Shunsuke Fukami, Hideo Ohno: Current distribution in metallic multilayers from resistance measurements. In: Physical Review B, vol. 101, no. 23, pp. 235437, 2020, ISSN: 2469-9950.

Robin Silber, Daniel Král, Ondřej Stejskal, Takahide Kubota, Yasuo Ando, Jaromír Pištora, Martin Veis, Jaroslav Hamrle, Timo Kuschel: Scaling of quadratic and linear magneto-optic Kerr effect spectra with L2 1 ordering of Co 2 MnSi Heusler compound. In: Applied Physics Letters, vol. 116, no. 26, pp. 262401, 2020, ISSN: 0003-6951.

Roman Antos, Martin Veis: Coupled wave method with modified boundary conditions for diffraction grating calculations. In: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 59, no. SE, pp. SEEB02, 2020, ISSN: 0021-4922.

Successful Students

We are proud that two of our students succesfully finished their bachelor’s study in June 2020. Tomáš Maleček will continue to work at our department in his master studies. Anežka Papáčková is switching to Jihočeská Univerzita and we wish her all the best in her future efforts.